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REB New Testament Blue Hardback With Jacket

Books by Martha Sue Stroud: These books are a must for those who love Texas history. "Gateway to Texas-History of Red River County" is a burgundy hard back with gold lettering on the spine and a dust jacket with a picture of the Court House. There are 19 chapters, 446 pages, many pictures,and a great index. It begins in 1684 and ends with a chapter of 24 interviews with people advanced in age telling of their experiences. (They are all deceased now.) The sequel, "For Love of Country-the Price of Freedom," is a navy blue hardback with gold lettering, and a great dust jacket with the American Flag. It has 567 pages, 14 chapters, many pictures. It covers bygone days, the Civil War, WWI (24 interviews with veterans or their families), WWII (500 interviews with veterans or their families.) Each book is $29.95 and both may be bought for $50.00 plus shipping charge of $5.00 per book. Send orders to: Martha Sue Stroud 514 Baylor Drive Greenville, TX 75402 Telephone (903) 455-2624; email Burials, Cemetery and Death Records of Red River County, TX by Lawrence and Sue Dale Obituaries from the Detroit News Herald (1928-1936 and 1941-1956) by Lawrence and Sue Dale Obituaries from the Deport Times (1911-1950) by Lawrence and Sue Dale Red River County Cemeteries, vol 1-7 by Bertha Gable "Reflections of Red River County 1830's - 1890" by Marion Butts A history of the county, beginning with the earliest settlements; Covers steamboat traffic, transportation, local involvement in the Civil War and reconstruction, the building of the railroads and the courthouse; Soft cover; 53 pages; $16, includes shipping and taxes. Send order to: M. R. Butts P.O. Box 1232 Clarksville, TX 75426 New book - Country Schools in Red River County - The book is a compilation of country schools, with related history, which existed in Red River County from 1834 until 1978. Included are 132 schools with names and locations identified on a 17 by 24 inch 1936 Red River County road map. Approximately sixty additional schools, with some history, are included. The primary purpose of the book is to preserve the memory of the country schools and location of as many as possible. This is a self published, 7 X 10 hard cover book with approximately 120 pages with about 50 illustrations, most being old school photos. It was a very limited edition, and a second printing is unlikely. Many have been sold, and only a few remain. The price is $39, including sales tax. Total cost, including shipping and handling: $44.00 Anyone interested in a copy may contact the author: Harold E. Norris 4633 Firestone Drive Frisco, Texas 75034 Email at

REB New Testament Blue Hardback with Jacket

Publisher: General Mills Copyright: 1961, First Edition Formats: Hardcover with a Mondrian style pink, yellow, white and blue cover Average Price: $45 ($75 for the First Edition, First Printing with a hardcover format) Notes: Another Betty Crocker classic. I have an earlier (1950) Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book rated on my blog, but the 1961 Betty Crocker's New Picture Cookbook is the most valuable of all the Betty Crocker cookbooks. It is important to find a good condition copy or the value will go down substantially. With some cookbooks--they are so rare--imperfections can be forgiven, not with this one.

Authors: Irma Rombauer and Marion Rombauer Becker Copyright: 1931, First Printing, First Edition published by A. C. Clayton Printing Co Format: Blue hardcover with gilt lettering Average Price: Over $500 for this 1931 First Edition of which only 3,000 copies were printed. The later commercial edition was published by Bobs-Merrill Company in 1936 as were the later editions which came in different cover formats from a white dust jacket to a blue and white cloth cover. The 1936 "First Edition" which is not the true First but First Bobs-Merrill edition is valued at around $50. Notes: Joy of Cooking is considered by many to be the "bible of American cooking." It is known for its simplistic formatted recipes and is one of the best selling cookbooks of all time. Almost every cook knows of this book or has it on their shelf. Many cookbook collectors will have various editions of the book in their collection--as mentioned above, the book had several cover designs and formats.

Authors: Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, Simone Beck Copyright: 1961, First Edition Format: Hardcover with white and red design and blue and white dust jacket. Average Price: $10-$15 (Julia Child signed cookbook copies $200 - $250) Notes: This remains the top French cookbook in terms of popularity and recognition. Of note, if there is ever a signed cookbook you'd want to get, Julia Child signed copies of this book sell for some of the highest prices on online book sites.

Editor: Dorothy Kirk Copyright: 1942, First Edition Format: White hardcover with recipe categories in bullet format down the left side of the cover in red and blue lettering for titles. Average Price: $75 (for the 1942 First Edition) Notes: This book has over 2,600 recipes which makes it a favorite among collectors and cooks alike. The book's easy recipe format makes it all the more appealing. This book is a good investment for any serious collector as its value will continue to rise as with other classics of this sort.

Author: Prosper Montagne Copyright: 1961, First Edition Format: Dark blue, thick hardcover with dust jacket. Average Price: $12-$15 (the 2001 edition sells for $45-$50 though the one to put in your collection is the original--revised and updated later editions tend to lose value over time) Notes: This cookbook is probably in a close tie with Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in terms of the most popular of French cookbooks. The book has loads of illustrations (over 1,000) and 8,500 recipes in all.

With the appeal of a hardcover, double the artwork with the jacketed case laminate, and bonus content inside, many people who bought the paperback may still buy the hardcover for all those new exciting features. And they will also go a long way toward attracting new readers.

The jacketed case laminate is a recently added option within IngramSpark, and it is beyond cool. It allows you to not only have the fancy jacket with flaps, but also print whatever artwork you would like on the cover underneath. So instead of having boring blue cloth under the cover, you can have literally anything you want.

For setting up a hardcover in the first place, see this article: How to Set Up a Title with IngramSpark after reading this whole post. For instructions on updating to a jacketed case laminate from one of the previous hardcover options, watch the video velow for step by step directions and tips for what to do if you get an error in this phase. But finish reading this article first so you will know what to do next!


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